"It was as now day. 3-27-02 I wish I was learning new things in shcool. The next day 3-28-02 was the first day of spring brake Not too much"
"Dear Diary, Do you like to ride your bike?ABC 123 You proble dopx even know what 2+2=, or 1+1=, or 0+0=, diary!"
"ABCDEFG1234567 I'm haaaappy today! 4-1-02 AF I like yoi OH! Ha! Ha!come on can't you have some fun? How do you spell Kazakhstan? (answor) How do you spell Ukraine? (answor) If you ask me, it is U.A.K.C.M.O.E. Yum ice cream! NO!"
"11-16-02 Today it snowed! to bad to bad yow don't get any snow! Direy! DONT TOUCH THAT"
Ah, the memories of early childhood.
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Silver Buckeye -> General -> Excerpts from some notebook found in my basement (A diary if you will)