Ok after the brainstorming session walking home today we have several new plot guidelines, weapons, and characters.
Characters: Josh as Terrorist One-Liner Jack as Calvin Coolidge voiced over by Dan Dan's Bike voiced over by Bill Cosby (Max or Dan) and laugh track by Mason
Weapons Josh is bringing: Samurai sword rubber band gun Pikachu canteen Steering wheel flight control stick lightsaber (preferably blue) anything else we discussed but I forgot
Weapons I will bring: In addition to the ones I'm already bringing Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots Ping Pong equipment
Plot: The first scene starts where CT2 left off, in the garage where Danny lies dead, we kill a couple of terrorists when we get to a dogfight between a counter-terrorist and terrorist aircraft, unexpectedly Danny jumps out of the terrorist airplane into the counter-terrorist airplane where he proceeds to push Percy out of the plane and into the clutches of DAN'S BIKE!!! Dan then dons his black sweatshirt and becomes a terrorist. Meanwhile Calvin Coolidge becomes the weapons specialist for the CTs and they do battle on many occasions. Then in a final battle Rodney and Percy have a dramatic lightsaber duel to the death, but as they are about to strike each other down.... to be continued appears on screen for CT4 to pick up where it left off later.
Also my umpire thing ends at 12:30 on Saturday so if we want to start this a little earlier it would be ok. But, regular schedule would be fine as well just putting that out there for jokes and giggles.